Sunday, June 11, 2017

Avenue Denfer Sailor OP & MilkyWay Jellyfish Bag

Here are two facts you may not know about me:
1. I've never actually owned an OP before. (broad shoulders, plus I appreciate versatility of jsks)
2. I've never dressed in Sailor style Lolita. (never really saw one that stood out to me I suppose)

Well, both those things are going to change when this arrives:

I didn't get the matching bag, or wristcuffs, but I DID get the hat >< omg...I'm going to be a weird little sailor but I love it thouuuggghhhh. I hope it looks okaaaayyy ;o; I have some blue shoes that will probably match, but I will be getting dark blue shoes when I can. I'll also most likely be pairing this with a more plain sock/tights, something white most likely.

Close up of the front detail

I actually ordered it from LolitaWardrobe, though I did keep checking the TaoBao (it just never seemed to update or something) Then, a few days later, I found this freakin' thing:


It's a smaller bag than I normally use, but how can I say no to this? Usually you see shell bags paired with nautical themes, but I've never seen a jellyfish bag THIS cute. They even have 2 colors, so check the TaoBao out when you can. I've only done the preorder, so I need to keep checking back to see when they post the 2nd part of payment up.

*UPDATE: I actually wasn't able to get the OP to fit my shoulders comfortably :( It was sooo pretty....I just hate stiff fabric on my shoulders x_x! Oh well...I'm still ordering the bag!

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