Sunday, April 9, 2017

Super Megafest - Marlborough MA 2017

I thought I'd talk a little about my overnight trip to go see Super Megafest in Marlborough MA. I had never attended this con, so I didn't really know what to expect. I was pretty sad that there weren't any panels, but they did have a good handful of older tv show stars. Unfortunately the only ones I really knew/cared about were Wil Wheaton, and Barbara Eden (the lady from I Dream of Jeannie). There were also lots of Playboy Bunnies, who looked great, but it kind of tells you something about the crowd they were attempting to bring I suppose. Anyway, whenever I go on a trip, or go out to do something fun, I try to make an the theme this time was Strawberries ♥ Hope you enjoy!

(Ahem. I love Overwatch....if you don't know, this is a replica of Soldier 76's gun that was SUPER light and well made, just borrowed briefly for this picture from a really cool crafting school/3d printing table. Also Nesquik was awkwardly present through the Con? Weird.) --->

Outfit Breakdown:
Hat - handmade
Accessories - TaoBao, handmade, and Claire's
Blouse - off brand
Skirt - Bodyline
Backpack - TaoBao
Purse - Sanrio/Twin Stars
Socks - ebay

Words to the wise, try your whole outfit on BEFORE the day of the event. I realized the morning of, that the strawberry knee socks I bought were suuuper tight. I pretty much never have problems with tights or socks, only sometimes once I get to the thigh area...but jeeze, I could barely get these over my heel. They just didn't have a lot of stretch or something.

I made some of the accessories for this outfit, including the hat, and wrist cuffs. The rest was from TaoBao and Claire's. Just little flowery clips that I knew I'd use outside of this outfit too, since spring is here finally Actually, most people who complimented my outfit thought for SURE I was cosplaying as Strawberry Shortcake??? I just thought it was kind of funny, and thanked people for the compliments. A few people did ask more questions about my outfit, and I was able to say simply that it's a street style from Japan called Lolita. Some had heard of it, others not so much.

I wanted to try some nail art to go with the outfit...this is actually my first attempt at doing something besides solid color on my own >_<;; Crazy right? I'm just not a big nail person. Maybe it comes from my karate background? I guess I'm just too rough with my hands, as I find I can't do anything if they grow out at ALL....I'll just end up bumping and bending my nails against drawers, or while typing (as I so furiously do) Anyway, they came out half decent. I might give it another go in the future.

Overall, this outfit was fun to wear. I don't consider myself a sweet Lolita, as it isn't what I'm MOST comfortable in...but I like to try different styles to test myself. Could this be considered country/sweet? Or maybe country/deco with all the rings and decorations I added on? I don't know, but I hope it inspired you in some way 

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